13 Friday

Х Rock festival "Rock to the End of the World", Vratsa

Fri, December 13, 2019 - Sat, December 14, 2019
Youth House - Vratsa, Vratsa


The Youth Centre in Vratsa is the organizer and host of the Rock to the End of the World Festival, launched in 2009. The Youth Rock Festival gathers the lovers of rock music and diverse bands from Sofia, Montana, Pleven, Vidin, Berkovitsa, Kozloduy, Vratsa, etc.

The idea of ​​the festival is to give a stage for the appearance of young rock and metal bands from Vratsa and the region.

For the tenth time, the Youth Centre in Vratsa will open the doors in the two festival days free of charge for all fans who want to listen and support the local gangs. In the past years, the forum’s headliners were: Junk Yard, ODD CREW, Mass Confusion, Home Of The Whale, P.I.F., D.VINE, Doctor Gogo Band, ABSOLUTE and LEEVER.

Over the years, the interest in the Rock Fest has increased, and this is the reason the festival duration to increase and the rock bands to be pre-selected.


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