11 Thursday

Festival "Jazz in Bourgas 2019"

Thu, July 11, 2019 - Sat, August 17, 2019
Burgas, Burgas


In 2019, the festival will be from 11th to 13th of July and from 15th to 17th of August, and on its stage will appear names such as Tsvetan Nedyalkov, Angel Zaberski, Simeon Shterev – Banana, Antoni Donchev, Sabin Todorov, Vladimir Karparov, Stoyan Yankulov -Studgi and many others. The Flora Exposition Center and the romantic courtyard will host the event.

Organizer of “Jazz in Burgas” is the Municipality of Bourgas with the kind support of the America for Bulgaria Foundation through the “ART OF MOVEMENT” Program, administered by Art Office Foundation, DSK Bank, Art Workshop, All the Jazz .

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