05 Friday

Festival of the French Film - Festival du film français, Sofia

Fri, February 05, 2021 - Sun, February 28, 2021
Lumiere Cinema, Sofia, Sofia


In solidarity with doctors’ efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic, the French Film Festival has been postponed to 5-28 February 2021.

At the end of November, the 10th edition of the French Film Festival, organized by the French Institute in Bulgaria in cooperation with the Kinomania festival, organized by the National Palace of Culture, will take place.
During the forum, new films will be presented in several cinemas – Lumiere Lidl, G8, Slaveykov and Dom na kinoto. Screenings are also organized in Plovdiv and Festival and Congress Center – Varna.

In Sofia, the screenings of the films will be in the cinemas Slaveykov, Lumiere Lidl, G8, Odeon, Euro Cinema and Dom na kinoto.


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