18 Monday

First Online International Vocal Competition "Golden Voice"

Mon, January 18, 2021 - Wed, January 27, 2021


The First Online International Vocal Competition “GOLDEN VOICE” is open to singers – individual performers, chamber vocal groups and choirs. Students from pre-professional, professional music schools (schools, conservatories, academies, universities and other institutions and organizations from all over the world), as well as non-professional performers from cultural centers, associations, clubs and others can take part in the competition.

The main idea of the competition is to reveal, support and develop the artistic potential of musicians in preserving the national heritage. Participation in this online competition will help to represent the art of music of many cultures internationally, and preparation for online participation will lead to an increase in the level of stage skills and experience of participants.

Purposes of the competition:

– drawing public attention to traditional vocal culture;
– supporting of creative and innovative activities in vocal education and upbringing;
– identification of the most gifted among young participants and support in the development of their creative potential;
– expansion of international professional contacts among leaders, conductors and teachers in the field of folk singing;
– giving a new impetus to the development of vocal traditions of the peoples of the world.

Preliminary program:

15.10.2020 – 15.01.2021 – acceptance of applications and videos
18.01.2021 – publishing the videos of all the participants and starting the online voting until 24.01.2021
25.01.2021 – meeting of the Jury commission
27.01.2021 – publishing the results from the online voting and the assessments of the jury
27.01.2021 – online meeting of the art directors and the Jury commission

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