This festival is established in 1991 and is more like competition for performance and young composers. Since 1998 there has been also an International Competition for pop singers and since 1999 – International competition for popular song.
4th of September – 25th of October
“Discovery” International music festival will be presenting various events between 4th of September – 25th of October. Events will be held live and online.
4th of September, 19:30hrs
“Friday evening” – concert of jazz&pop singer Aleksandrina Simeon and pianist Daniel Mark Eberhard, live streem from Germany
18th of September, 19:00hrs
Vocal workshop for young pop-rock&jazz singers (online)
25th of September, 18:00hrs
Book presentation. Venue: Bulgarian National Radio Varna (artsalon)
29th of September, 19:00hrs, Varna radio
“Gypsy Jazz&Fusion” – with Hot Club De Plovdiv
Performing Django Reinhardt, Stéphane Grappelli, Gershwin, etc.
2nd of October, 19:00hrs
Rock Acoustic – acoustic presentation of author rock compositions featuring rock bands
venue: Bulgarian National Radio Varna (concert studio)
October 2020
Open discussion “Copy right protection of young producers and musicians in Europe”
Concerts will be presented on national television as well as on the festival Youtube channel.