05 Saturday

XI Municipal Festival of Survakar Games in Blagoevgrad

Sat, January 05, 2019 - Sat, January 05, 2019
Blagoevgrad, Blagoevgrad


Festival of Survakar Games. More than 1,200 kukeri annually chase evil forces in Blagoevgrad. At the beginning of each new year, the sound of dozens of bells and defiling groups dressed in different costumes fill the town streets. Awards are given to all participants in the festival. They are in different categories, some of which are the best artistic group, the best authentic costume group, the best group keeping the old Bulgarian traditions and others. Every year, the festival becomes even more successful, costumes more attractive, and participants more ambitious and original. The guests and the residents of Blagoevgrad, despite the low temperatures during the festival, end up glad to make the Blagoevgrad tradition grow and become even more attractive.

The Municipal Festival of Kukeri Games in Blagoevgrad keeps the traditions alive. Thousands of participants present traditional customs, typical costumes and games.

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